事 先準備一個大資料夾,內有12格的分隔,將一年中的收據(指付款之後的憑證>>Receipt,不是指帳單或信用卡的月結單)隨時放入資料夾 內保存。這些收據包括兒童游泳課程\健身活動(每個兒童最多$500)\課後照顧、牙套(Orthdontics)開支、 醫療開支(如拿藥、配眼鏡)與公車月票(乘公車或捷運上班或上學的家庭成員)。
前一年滿18歲的居民(或公民)與移民到加拿大的人(等於第一次報稅者),於1-2月份始可以到各郵局、各社區服務處或中橋各分會索取免費的稅務包(裡面包含省與聯邦的各表格一本T1 General British Columbia+指南一本Canada Revenue Agency General Income Tax and Benefit Guide)如下圖。第一年申報者無法網路報稅(因為沒有個人的稅務代號)>>>
如果已經報過一次稅了,再下來的每一年年初約1月時,申報者就會收到稅務局(Canada Revenue Agency)寄來的稅務包(Your tax package),一樣有兩本(但表格那本是T1 SPECIAL,格式精簡許多),而且多了稅務代號(Access Code),可以在網路上報稅(低收入免費)。如下圖>>>>
***但也有朋友只收到一封信(內有納稅人的稅務代號),依我個人猜測如果使用網路報稅者,第二年就會只收到一封信,報稅包仍得去郵局拿了(儘量3月份索取,四月中後就不易拿到了)。結果自家兒子第一年雖然用傳統的General Form 報稅方式,第二年仍只收到一封請網路報稅的信封而已!
加拿大的報稅比較繁瑣(有省的表格與聯邦的表格,不像台灣只是一大張而且夫妻可同一張申請),除了以下的表格(BC428>>>>http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/5010-c-s2/5010-c-s2-09e.pdf)外,尚有Income Tax and Benefit Return(T1 General 或 Special 共4頁)\Federal Tax(Schedule 1 共 2頁)\British Columbia Credits(BC479 有1頁)/海外資產申明(Foreign Income Verification Statement 1頁),另外第一次申請報稅尚可加申請GST/HST Credit (1頁,只能夫妻其中一人申請>>>http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/gf/rc151/rc151-09e.pdf ),如果小孩低於18歲以下,尚可外加申請小孩的牛奶金(Canada Child Tax Benefit>>>http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/rc66/rc66-fill-09e.pdf)>>>>,以上這些資料都可以上官方網站列印表格下來,或直接去中橋互助會索取(專為華人服務的機構)。
***如果受雇收入一年達$4750以上到$26235以下者(指在加拿大受雇工作才有此福利),尚可填寫Working Income Tax Benefit (Schedule 6),這個設計是來幫助低收入工作的個人家庭(只能夫妻其中一人申請)。
第一次報稅的新移民或前一年滿18歲者(報稅年將會滿19歲)的年輕人,可以附上申請GST/HST Credit >>>>>其表格如下-----------http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/gf/rc151/rc151-09e.pdf 就算沒任何收入,也可以申請,只要申請者的年收入低於2萬5千,自2010/7月起可以每三個月收到$146.25
家中有讀學院或大學的小孩,在申請報稅時(沒收入也是要申報),可以上學校網站列印自己的當年的學費證明,再填入Schedule 11 (聯邦表)與Schedule BC(S11 省表)的表格內申報>>>>http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/5000-s11/5000-s11-09e.pdf,以做為未來(無限期)有收入時的扣繳之用,或當年轉讓給有收入的父母/祖父母/配偶或伴侶申報(包括聯邦與省各最高$5000)。
如果尚有任何疑問,可以直接於報稅期間,打電話 1-800-959-8281 (國定假日除外的星期一到星期五 每天8:15am----9:00pm 從2月21到 4月30,星期六從9:00---5:00pm)
****以下載自 the Province News ---十幾歲到20出頭的退稅技巧 April 19/2010***********
Tips for teen tax returns>>>>Advantages: Earnings under $10,320 eligible for GST, tuition transfers. When you prepare your 2009 income tax return, perhaps schould be filling tax returns for your kids, too. Tuition transfers, building RRSP room and eligibility for GST redits are among the reasons to file tax returns for teenage children.
Tuition transfer(教育費的轉讓)>>>>You can transfer tuition and education credits if your offspring(子女)was enrolled in a post-secondary education program(大學). Before you can transfer such credits, the student must file a tax return(在轉讓教育費之前,此學生必須報稅). Up to $5000 tuition credits may become transferable to the extent(最高可以轉讓$5000的範圍) the student doesn't need them. The student must not only sign over the T2202A tuition slip in favour of a parent, but must also complete Schedules 11 and BC(S11) to show the amount of credit being transferred.
Tax refund(退稅)>>>> A child who earned less than $10,320 in wages should be eligible for a tax refund. Employers automatically deduct income tax and Canada Pension Plan contributions even if a worker is not taxable(雇主自動預先扣繳稅與退休金). The only way to get a tax refund is to file a tax return.(唯一可以退回這些預扣金額的方法就是報稅)
Build RRSP room(建立退休儲蓄計畫空間)>>>Another reason to file a tax return is to report wages to accumulate(累積)RRSP room. Every $100 of wages gives your child $18 of RRSP contribution room. File a return to report income from casual(臨時) wages for babysitting or shovelling snow, for example. There's no tax to pay with total wages under $10,320. RRSP contribution room can eventually be usefull when your child begins saving to buy a house. After making tax deductible RRSP deposits, no tax needs to be paid immediately on a Home Buyer's Plan withdrawal.
GST credits(消費的退稅)>>>>If your child turned 18 in 2009, file a tax return so that he or she can start receiving quarterly GST credit cheques shortly after turning 19 in 2010. Your child's eligibility is based on income reported on the prior years' tax return. (小孩領取消費稅的權利是根據前一年的報稅紀錄)
Direct deposit(直接存入帳戶)>>>>>Young people who have left home tend to be geographically mobile so consider setting up a direct deposit arrangement. Have tax refunds and quarterly GST credit payments transferred electronically to a bank account instead of being sent by mail to an old address.
Working Income Tax Benefit(工作收入稅補助)>>>>If your child is 19 or older, has low wages and is not a student, be sure to complete Schedule 6. If, say, your teen finished school last year and earned $8000 in wages during the rest of 2009, the Working Income Tax Benefit would provide a tax refund of $925. When total income is under $10,320, the young person should also receive a full refund of any income tax deducted at source.
Refundable Medical Expense Supplement(可退還的醫療支出補償)>>>>What if that same teen, with $8000 wages for 2009, had spent $1000 on dental(牙醫) and other medical expenses? There would be $190 of Refundable Medical expense Supplement added to the tax refund.
Disability Credit(殘障補助)>>>Is your minor child disabled? Once the child's T2201 disability-credit application has been approved, the disability-tax credit can be transferred to a parent's tax return. Note that you don't actually need to file a tax return for your child to transfer your child's disability credit. Once your disabled child turns 18, then a parent may also be able to claim the caregiver or infirm-dependant tax credit.
********以下載自溫哥華大紀元中文報紙---加拿大人報稅成本高 May/2010****************
據加拿大獨立機構菲沙學會(Fraser Institute)的一份報告,加拿大人每年在準備及申報個人所得稅的費用介於40億元到60億元之間。對一般人來說平均報稅費用約為$215,已婚人士及自僱人士則更高。
該研究報告的作者,蒙特利爾大學經濟學教授 Francois Vaillancourt 表示,如果將報稅所需的時間、購買報稅染體、僱用諸如會計師、律師等專業人士的費用,並填寫和提交個人所得稅申報表,每年報稅的總額費用在40億元到58億元之間。
溫哥華財政保守派的智曩庫、菲沙學會的副總裁Niels Veldhuis 表示政府需要採取措施,以減少報稅成本。他說最顯而易見的辦法就是減少或取消特殊優惠及豁免的複雜稅收系統,如兒童的健身稅收抵免、公共交通稅收抵免...等。他指出 "儘管加拿大人或許願意接受各種活動的稅收抵免政策,如兒童運動稅收抵免,但卻大大增加了相應的報稅成本"。
備註: 除了投資股票或自僱之外(報稅填寫比較複雜),一般的工作收入(哪怕是已婚的家庭)只要有心,相信每個人都可以自己填寫(填寫重點式的資料後寄出,稅務局會幫忙更正我們的計算錯誤)或網路上的報稅>>>>www.quicktaxonline.ca,一人一份收費約$20。說真的,我問卷了公司的同事群,10人內約有8人是付錢請他人網路申報,那四年來家中四人的報稅全部自己來(2010止),已經省下近台幣$400元(以每人$25費用而言)。
每年報稅的海外收入之匯率的換算皆不同,得每年初報稅前自己上銀行網站>>>http://bankofcanada.ca/en/rates/exchange_avg_pdf.html 找尋最新一年的annual exchange Rates 內的Taiwan (new Taiwan dollar) 的換算匯率成加幣( 例如2012的匯率是台幣X0.03380 或 2009的匯率 是台幣X0.03453=加幣)
1. 夫妻持有楓葉卡一年半(但仍在台灣工作).兩個小孩>>>一個20歲,一個未滿18歲(差6個月)現在加拿大讀書.(小孩在不曾申請過任何牛奶津貼福利),加拿大是滿18歲還是19歲須獨自申報所得稅?夫妻 想放棄身分.可是怕影響小孩 ??? ANS: 兩位小孩已經拿到楓葉卡,他們就是獨立的個體,不會受父母放棄身份而影響他們的任何權利。夫妻既然想放棄身份,建議待楓葉卡5年有效期過期後再以觀光身份過來探視子女即可‧申請牛奶金與GST退稅的先決條件是必須有報稅,夫妻既然未申請過此類,就不用管報稅之事,許多移民過來的大陸人(夫妻其 中一方已經在此定居),自認沒有在此上班賺錢,一直都沒報稅呢!另外加拿大的稅務居民是只要滿18歲的那一年起,在第二年申報前一年的所得時(那怕沒 任何收入)須申請報稅(沒收入者,尚可申退約$75的金額下來)。