聖誕節快到了(on the corner at 10月31日),各超市無不大顯神通地用各種擺飾來吸引客戶的購買慾! 今年夏天後院第一次種苦瓜(Bitter Gourds)與 佛手瓜(Chayote Squash),讓我見識到洋人的瓜類名稱竟有Pumpkins、Squash、Gourds、Melon的不同說詞! >>>>>
我有幸受 好友Helen 的邀請與她第一次在聖誕節前一星期到內陸城市的湖邊小木屋度兩天的假日,而有機會看到觀光景點的 Okanagan 的入門處各商店,擺了一堆的各式各樣的南瓜(pumkin、squash or gourd),為的就是在聖誕節前夕賣出所有的瓜類,否則聖誕節過後,全部銷毀,多可惜! >>>>>
Delicatta Squash (南瓜的一種)>>>>>
New England Blue Hubbard (新英格蘭藍瓜)>>>>>>
Ambercup Squash (南瓜一種)>>>>>>
Mini Green Hubbard (南瓜一種)>>>>>>
Turk's Turban Squash (南瓜一種)>>>>>>
Stripetti Squash (南瓜一種)>>>>>>
Ornamental Gourds (南瓜一種,用於裝飾用)>>>>>>
Ornamental Swan Neck Gourds (南瓜一種,長相如天鵝的頸部,用於裝飾用)>>>>>>
Ornamental Gourds (南瓜一種,用於裝飾用)>>>>>>
Turk's Turban Squash (南瓜一種,用於裝飾用)>>>>>>
Pie Pumpkins (餡餅的南瓜)>>>>>>
Spaghetti Squash(義大利南瓜,肉可食..炒與煮湯皆可),種類有兩種(蔬果店售淺黃色,自家種植的是淺綠色)>>>>>
其實南瓜除了在萬聖節當天派上用場外,它們尚有許多的附加價值>>>>Some great ideas for post-Halloween Pumpkins(一些偉大的想法在萬聖節後的南瓜),以下文章栽錄自 NewsLeader(本拿比盛是免費的報紙)>>>>>>>
Autumn is the season when pumpkins are ripe for the picking, and thousands of people flock to local farms and roadside vendors to select perfect pumpkins. Many pumpkins are turned into decorative jack-o-lanterns for Halloween, only to be tossed in the trash come November 1. They could be because many people are unaware of the various ways they can put pumpkins to good use.
Pumpkins are gourds and members of the squash family and have been grown and used for thousands of years. Evidence suggests that pumpkins date back to 7000 B.C., possible originating in Mexico. Today they are widely used for decorating around Halloween, but there are many other thinks that can be done with pumpkins.
Create a good vessel (營造良好的容器)......Pumpkins can be transformed into bowls to hold soup, punch, fruit, or even dips. Make sure the pumpkin has been cleaned well of its pulp and seeds, as well as the stringy flesh that is inside. Rub the inside walls of the pumpkin with oil to keep them from drying out and caving in, then fill with your food of choice.
Make Pumpkin puree (做南瓜濃湯)........Puree from a pumpkin can be used in all types of recipes, from soups to baked goods. The puree also can replace the oil in cake recipes. Cut the pumpkin and scoop out the seeds and stringy membranes. Then place it cut-side-down in a pan with a little water in the bottom. Bake at 350 F for around 90 minutes. The flesh will become tender and easily removable, blend the resulting puree in a food processor and reserve flesh for recipes. Some pumpkins are sweeter or better to use as part of recipes. Check the variety you're purchasing.
Whip up a facial (做面膜 ).......Use some pumpkin puree with a little brown sugar and a dash of milk to create a vitamin-rich facial mask.
Turn the pumpkin into a flower pot (將南瓜變成一個花盆).....Fill a hollow pumpkin with soil. You may not have worry about scraping the pumpkin completely clean because the pulp can e used to help fertilize the potting soil. Plant your favorite fall flowers into the festive and earth-friendly flower pot. When the pumpkin shows signs of rotting, simply put the whole thing into a traditional flower pot or bury it directly in the ground.
Make pumpkin stock ( (做南瓜等的 湯料 )......While vegetable or meat-based stocks may be the standards, pumpkin can be used to make stock too. Clean out the seeds from the stringy guts of the pumpkin and put the guts into a pot filled with water. Add celery, carrots or any other aromatic vegetables for extra flavor. Allow to boil at least 30 minutes. The stock is ready when it begins to change colour. Strain and save stock for use in a variety of recipes.
Add to compost bins (添加到堆肥桶).....Pumpkins are rich in a and vitamin C. Add discarded pumpkins to your compost to replenish the soil.
Turn into a billowing cauldron (變成滾開的大汽鍋 ).....Instead of a standard jack-o-lanern, put a glass jar into the carved pumpkin, add dish soap and hot water and then add a piece of dry ice. Bubbles and smoke will pour out of the pumpkin to create a spooktacular effect.
****喜歡欣賞更多南瓜百態的相片者,請參閱 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/gallery?fid=195&page=1 (共6頁)