有農場專門種聖誕樹,就只為每年的12月份聖誕節做準備銷售,使用假聖誕樹來裝飾的人很多,但是喜歡每年購買真樹來裝飾的也不少,尤其家中有小孩的白人,更捨得用真樹來點綴聖誕的氣份,但是聖誕節過後的1月份,使用真樹的家庭就得開始傷腦筋.....如何丟棄不用的聖誕樹? 一星期一次的垃圾回收車可不載走巨樹的!
***City of Burnaby>>>>>> The City of Burnaby provides collection of Christmas trees to residents with curbside garbage collection, and multi-family complexes that have City garbage collection. Christmas trees will be collected on the following days: (本拿比市提供居民的路邊圾收集,而生活在複合式家庭的居民有城市垃圾收集。在隨後的日子裡,將收集聖誕樹如下:)
Curbside Collection .......Residents North of Highway1----week of January 07th, 2013. Please have your tree out on Monday, January 7th as trees will be collected throughout the week. .....Residents South of Highway1----week of January 14, 2013. Please have your tree out on Monday, January 14th as trees will be collected throughout the week. ( 路邊收集...... 1號高速公路以北的居民----2013年1月7日(星期一)的一周,以北的居民。請將你的聖誕樹放在外面,將被收集整個一周。 .....1號高速公路以南的居民----2013年1月14日(星期一)一周。請將你的聖誕樹放在外面,將被收集整個一周。
Multi-Family Collection>>>>>>Christmas tree collection for residents living in multi-family complexes with City garbage collection will occur on Wednesday, January 2nd and Thursday, All trees must be placed out on Wednesday, January 2nd by 7:00am in a designated location accessible for collection crews. ( 生活在複合式家庭的居民,聖誕樹的收集將在1月2日與3日(星期三與四),所有聖誕樹必須被放置在1月2日(星期三)上午七時正前在指定的位置,讓收集人員收集)。
Drop off>>>>> The City's Still Creek Recycling Depot accepts Christmas trees from Burnaby residents free of charge. (自己親自送去>>>>>城市的指定回收站站接受本拿比居民免費聖誕樹回收)。
Depot Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:00am to 3:45pm, The depot will be closed on Tuesday, December 25th and Wednesday, December 26th, 2012, and Tuesday, January 1st, 2013.
Tree Recycling Tips:
** Remove all ornaments, tinsel and lights (拿掉所有的裝飾品,金屬絲和燈泡)
** Do not bag or put your tree in your Green Bin (不要裝入袋子內或把你的樹放入庭院回收綠箱內)
** No artificial trees are accepted (不接受人造樹)
** Trees sprayed with snow foam cannot be recycled (樹噴雪泡沫不能被回收)
P.S.: For more Holiday information visit www.burnaby.ca/holidaywastereduction
*****City of Vancouver >>>>>>Recycle Your Christmas Tree ....After the holiday season, recycle your live, cut Christmas tree, Remove all the decorations and tinsel from the tree and use one of the following options:
Lions Club Chipping Events:
Saturday, January 5 and Sunday, January 6 between 10am - 4 pm at these locations:
* Keerrisdale Community Ice Rink Parking lot...East Boulevard north of 41st Avenue
* Kitsilano Beach parking lot.....Cornwall Avenue and Arbutus Street
* Sunset Beach upper parking lot......Beach Avenue and Broughton Street
* Rona Home & Garden Grandview Store.....2727 East 12th Avenue-overlow parking lot north of Grandview Highway, south of 12th Avenue
Donation of cash and non-perishable food item will be distributed to local charities.
Residential Collection:
You may set out your live cut Christmas tree before 7 am on your yard trimmings/food scraps collection day until January 31. Trees should be set out on their own 1 metre clear of your cart(s) and laid on their sides. Do not place your tree inside your cart or bag or bundle it.
Drop- off Depots:
You may drop off your tree at no charge until January 31 at the Vancouver South Transfer Station, 377 Kent Avenue North, or Vancouver Landfill, 5400 72nd Street, Delta.
P.S.: information: Phone: 3-1-1 TTY 7-1-1
*******以下資料載自本地免費中文報紙>>>大紀元時報(The Epoch Times) 2012/12/29*****
聖誕節剛剛過去,對於成千上萬的聖誕樹,大溫各地區已準備好大型碎木機回收乾枯的聖誕樹。卑詩省聖誕管理處高級總監 Art Loewen 說真聖誕樹可以在切碎後覆蓋在公園或家裡庭院的樹根旁,用於保護樹根。同時各地區都設有回收站負責切碎聖誕樹,切碎的木屑還可用於土壤推肥,以保護環境。 Loewen 說,一個廢棄的人造聖誕樹如果填埋在垃圾場,需要100年才能溶解。
** 溫哥華,UBC 植物園..... 6804 South West Marine Drive, Vancouver, 現在至2013年1月9日
** 溫哥華 South Transfer Station....377 West Kent Avenue North ,現在至2013年1月31日
** 西溫 The Ambleside Tiddly Cove Lions Club,2013年1月1日至6日
** 北溫: 北溫消防隊, Rona 停車場...1160 East 3rd Street, 2013年1月5日
** 列治文: 回收站...5555 Lynas Lane, Garry Point 公園消防隊 2013年1月5日與6日
** 本拿比: 後月垃圾回收站...4800 Still Creek Avenue, 截止日 2013年1月31日
** 新西敏: Canada Games Pool 停車場...65 East 6th Avenue
** 高貴林港: 高貴林消防隊....1725 Broadway Street, 2013 年1月5日
** 素里: Newton Athletic 公園素里消防隊.....7395 128th Street, 2013年1月5日
** 三角洲: Sungod 滑冰館....7815 112th Street, 2013年1月5日和6日
** 南三角州健身中心: 1720 56th Street, 2013年1月5日6日
** 白石鎮: Centennial Arena 內消防隊....14600 North Bluff Road, 20 13年1月6日