前幾天與斐濟的同事聊到每年的春天第一個開花來報到 "春來了"是甚麼? 因為她不是喜歡園藝的太太,所以她提到鬱金香(Tulips),我說比Tulips更早開花的是水仙花(Daffodils,我還講得出來她的英文名),但是比水仙花更早開花的是??????(我只記得中文名是番紅花,卻忘了英文名),經下班回家後找出我的" 雙語圖片字典Bilingual Picture Dictionary" 一查,才記起是Crocuses 番紅花(就算從前記過,經久了不用它的名字,又忘了!),它又與Cactuses(仙人掌)的拼音類似,常常讓我搞混!
The Crocuses今年開始 開花了嗎?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/27/2013 16:45:04]Dear Lili, Maybe Vancouver's weather is more warmer than Toronto in Spring, nowadays, the crocuses have been continually blooming.
Is it much earlier than last year,right ?
回覆刪除The spring season is coming in Vancouver.
The winter storm is coming in Toronto.
[版主回覆02/28/2013 15:38:10]Not really, it's just about once to twice heavy snow every winter in the great Vancouver, but a lot of rain, that's why the weather is always warmer and the crocuses flowers usually bloom out between Feb. and March here.