卑斯省的中小學老師又要罷工了,2012/3月5-7日(共3天)家中的小孩將要待在家裡,這又讓我想起2005年的9月小孩待在家中1個月,因為老師的要求合同得不到政府的認同。 這對當時當移民過來的我們,很不能接受事實! 老師這職業在台灣多神聖的工作....任勞任怨、從早期30-40年前的老師,一班55個學生,薪資又低,沒有人抱怨,只有苦幹!
6年的一次合同(2006-2011),從去年的暑假期間教師公會(BCTF)就開始與政府談判細節....薪水要求更高、喪假(Bereavement Leave)與事假(Compassionate Leave) 延長更多、班級人數從現有的30人減至22人.............,政府去年已經為HST 12% 稅制付出沉痛的代價(2013年預計改回原來的GST 5%/PST 7% 制),接著教師工會又要求新的合同(離市場的平均值高出太多),現在政府將要立法(Legislate)來約束教師公會6年一的的罷工潮,我雙手贊同,否則上班族的父母每6年就得為小孩的托兒問題傷透腦筋呢!
Province | Salary | Year | Link |
British Columbia (Vancouver) | $73,972 | 2011 | BC's Local Collective Agreements (2006 - 2011) |
Alberta (Calgary) | $87,954 | 2011 | Alberta Teachers' Association Collective agreements (2006 - 2012) |
Saskatchewan | $72,435 | 2010 | Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Collective Agreement (2007 - 2010) Teachers in Saskatchewan are currently trying to negotiate another contract. |
Manitoba (Winnipeg) | $76,547 | 2010 | MTS Collective Agreements |
Ontario (Toronto) | $83,865 | 2011 | OSSTF Collective Agreement (2008 - 2012) |
Quebec (Montreal) | $52,435 | 2011 | Montreal Teachers' Association Collective Agreement (2010-2011) |
New Brunswick | $72,536 | 2011 | New Brunswick Teachers' Federation Agreement (2008-2012) |
Nova Scotia | $59,644 | 2010 | NSTU Collective Agreement (2008-2010) |
P.E.I. | $64,608 | 2011 | PEI Teachers' Federation Agreement (2010 - 2013) |
Newfoundland | $69,994 | 2011 | NLTA Collective Agreement (2008-2012) |
看看近日的地方新聞報紙,如何報導雙方的爭執(dispute), 如下>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. 2012/Feb. 28 from the Provinces News>>> B.C. teachers rattle sabres(卑斯省教師吵鬧聲)....Showdown: Union, gov't battling to win public's support(最後的一決勝負: 教師公會、政府的交戰以博取大眾的支持).....Teachers rally at every main Crossroads of the Metro Vancouver Monday to protest government plans to legislate an end to their contract dispute.(教師在星期一下午3點學生放學後,於大溫哥華區的各重要十字路口舉牌抗議政府計畫立法來結束他們的合同爭執問題)
2. 2012/Feb. 29 from the Provinces News>>>Teachers' strike hinges on clock(教師罷工上緊發條)....Union wins right to walk as early as Monday as government drives bill to suspend strike.(當政府被迫暫緩罷工法案成立前,教師公會贏得權利早一步將在星期一示威抗議)......Premier Christy Clark tells the NDP on Tuesday that if there's a teachers' strike, it's their fault.(總理克拉克.克里斯蒂週二告訴的NDP黨,如果有教師的罷工,這是他們的錯。)............Politicians point fingers over pending school chaos.(兩黨政客互相指責即將在下星期一教師罷工發生的學校混亂).....Gradeless students fret over university admissions(沒成績的12年級學生們擔心大學錄取問題)
3. 2012/March 01 from MetroNews>>>87% of B.C. teachers voted Wednesday to escalate their current job action.(87%的教師星期三投票,以升級其目前的罷工行動。)
4. 2012/March 02 from MetroNews>>>Schools out Monday as teachers prepare for 3-day strike.(下週一的學校,將為教師3天的罷工做準備。)
***from 大紀元時報>>>自去年6月份以來,卑詩教師聯盟一直未與資方公校雇主協會簽屬合約,9月開始,叫連採取罷工行動,只叫學部餐與行政工作,步寫成績單。勞資雙方最大的分歧是工資漲幅,教聯要求未來三年內工資上漲15%,而省府堅持對公營部門的工資實行 "零調整"
****from 大紀元時報>>>教師大罷工,家長受衝擊.....家長(Thomas Beyer) 對公會體制很有想法,他認為 "我不清楚為什麼任何專權的省分或城市公會被賦與罷工的權利,現在是時候來禁止公營企業工會罷工,允許人們自願加入工會"。他認為政府的開銷太多,債務太高,而公營企業員工的工資也太高,包括政界的工資。
5. 2012/March 05 from 24H>>>>Surviving the strike....As teachers walk off the job, parents seek alternatives for their children(如何在罷工中存活下來....當老師們拂袖而離開工作岡位時,家長得為自己的小孩尋找替代的各種方式日間托兒)。Day camps fill up for teachers' strike(日間托兒營因為老師的罷工而塞滿了)
6. March 06 from 24H >>>Education Minister George Abbott says the BCTF's wage demands aren't possible.(卑詩省教育部長說教師公會要求的薪水是不可能接受的.....教師公會要求未來的三年內調漲15%薪資)
7. March 06 from MetroNews >>>Teachers begin 3-day strike, vow to strongly resist Bill 22(教師已經開始罷工3天,他們揚言要強烈地抵制政府的法案 22)
8. March 06 (星期二) from the Province News>>>>Unions including Members of B.C. Fed., CUPE B.C. march today over Bill 22(各個公會:包括卑詩省聯邦會員、加拿大公務員工會,對法案22遊行抗議)…另外醫院雇員工會(The Hospital Employees Union 簡稱 HEU)與護士公會的合約都是三月31日到期,屆時雙方談不攏,又有另一波罷工潮了。 備註: 另一工會 the B.C. Government Employees Union 簡稱 BCGEU represents 58,000 liquor store employees, social workers, hospital technicians and college instructors.
9. March 07 (星期三) from the Province News>>>>Teachers promise to go back to work(教師承諾將會回去工作)….We’ll go to court if Bill 22 is passed(如果法案22通過,我們將上法庭)….Education Minister George Abbott responded to attacks on the bill, saying: “Government has clearly and consistently stated that the BCTF’s demands for a $2-million increase to wages and benefits are completely unreasonable given the current economic reality.” (教育部長回覆那些在法案22的攻擊說 "政府已經清楚而一貫地重申過教師公會的要求2百萬調高薪資和津貼對現實的經濟狀況是完全不合理的已知事實)。
10. March 07 from the MetroNews>>>>5,000 union members rally outside legislature (5,000 各工會成員集合在立法機關的外面)…….Labour. Leaders say demonstrations represent a growing anger within the province’s union movement ( 勞工領導人說,示威代表在全省工會運動的日益憤怒)
11. March 07 from the 24H>>>>About 5,000 teachers and union members rallied outside legislature in Victoria Tuesday afternoon on the second day of the B.C. Teachers’ Federations’s strike. (約5000名教師和工會成員於第二天教師聯合會的罷工日星期二下午在維多利亞立法機關外集會)…..Before Bill 22 was even tabled, the (BCTF) was moving to escalate their strike. (甚至在法案22被列入議事日程前,教師工會已在移動升級他們的罷工)
12. March 07 from the Newsleader>>>>BCTF indoctrinating our kids(教師工會教化我們的小孩)…..Perhaps the single most ridiculous stunt in the lead-up to this week’s teachers’ strike was pulled at an elementary school here in the capital. A teacher gave her Grade 1 class an assignment for anti-bullying day: take crayons in hand and write to Education Minister George Abbott, demanding he stop bullying their teacher and address class size and composition. This North Korea-style political indoctrination of six-year-olds was a mistake, according to the local teachers’ union boss, who vaguely indicated that the unnamed teacher would apologize to parents. (在教師罷工前大概個案最可笑的驚人表演是在首都一所小學發生的事。一位教師在反惡霸日給一年級的學生作業是: 拿起手中的蠟筆寫信給教育部長,請求他停止欺侮他們的老師而且提出班級的多少人數與構圖。這種北韓型的政治教化6歲大的小孩是不對的! 根據此地的教師工會老闆所言,她只是模糊地指出這位不具名的教師應該向家長抱歉! )
13. March 08 from the 24H >>>>Teachers head back to class(教師回學校上課).......Teachers are back in classrooms today after concluding a three-day strike, but warn this may be the beginning of resistance if Bill 22 is passed. (教師結束了為期三天的罷工後,今天回教室上課,但警告如果法案第22通過,這可能是阻力開始而已。)
Education Minister George Abbott told reporters he was willing to sit down and discuss the bill with Lambert, but said she hadn't reached out to him. (教育部長喬治·雅培告訴記者,他願意坐下來與蘭伯特討論這個法案22,但說她並沒有跟他聯繫。)
14. March 09(星期五) from 大紀元時報>>>>>卑教師暫返校,風波未停,教聯年會將至,一日罷工暫停,學生將收到第二張空白成績單,省府不讓步。
***** from 環球華報>>>>>教聯工潮暫難現曙光...卑詩教聯(BCTF) 所屬4.1萬名省內公立中小學教師的工潮,在本周前三天掀起了一個高潮,教師展開全面罷工,學校基本停止運轉,家長各縣神通張羅著托兒事宜.... "教師罷工" 成為了人人談論的焦點話題。而省政府方面絲毫不為所動,多次強調堅定固守 "零加薪" 政策。 從目前態勢看,勞資雙方水火不容,勢不兩立,工潮暫無緩解跡象。 國際學生就讀公立學校者,不因罷工或退學費。
15. March 16 (星期五) from 大紀元時報>>>>卑詩省府週四(3/15)下午通過了第22號法案(改善教育法案)
16. March 28 from 大紀元時報>>>>堅持 "零增長" 省府與9校區簽約.......卑詩公校雇主協會3/27確認,與9個校區的支援員工(Support Staff) 簽署了為期兩年的合約,雙方同意維持工薪 "零增長"。然而省府與卑詩教師聯會的合約仍無結果,教聯將在4月中旬投票,決定是否採取近一步的罷工行動,抵制省府的第22號復工法案。 最新簽署的9個合約,使得這類合約達到40個,現在共有1.8萬多名卑詩公校支援員工與省府續簽兩年合約,並同意工薪遵守2010年省府規定的 "零增長"。省府一直強調沒有更多撥款,來增加公營部門的工薪,也無意再增加省民的稅收等負擔, "零增長" 規定要求公營部門節省開支,保證服務,將成本維持在省府預算範圍內,適當地提高工資額。不過,省府與卑詩教聯的合約卻拖了近一年,勞資雙方無法達成協議,省府一再強調工薪 "零增長" ,而教聯要求將工資提高15%。省府在3月中強行通過地22號法案,下令教師必須復工返校,結束了其自去年9月份開始的只教學工業行動。省府將指派一名調停員,希望促成勞資雙方的談判取得進展,然而教聯在其年會上,卻表示將採取行動抵制第22號復工法案,不過需要等到4月17日,由教師投票決定行動方案。
17. April 25 from Burnaby Now>>>>>Student report Cards to be issued (學生的成績單終於將在4月底發給學生了)
以下左圖>>>>>教師們說: 我們的抗爭不關於錢,而是為小孩的教育而做!
********以下評論栽錄自 the Province News ........Michael Smyth ****** 我覺得他說的很有道理
More prep time just begets more prep time (更多的準備時間,引來了更多的準備時間)
One of the biggest stumbling blocks(困難阻礙) in the teachers dispute is the issue of preparation time--the teachers want more, the government says they can't afford to give it to them.
A key reason for the government's resistance is the "multiplier effect (倍數作用)"that comes with additional prep time. During a teacher's students become the responsibility of another teacher---sometimes for a music class or library visit---and that fill-in teacher is entitled to prep time, too.
Elementary schoolteachers currently receive an average of 90 minutes of prep time per week, while secondary teachers get a little over three hours. The union is seeking 150 minutes of prep time for elementary teachers and a little over six hours for secondary teachers that would be a combination of prep time and "non-instructional time(沒有教學的時間)" away from their own students.
The government is understandably concerned about the costly domino effect (骨牌效應) of so much additional time when teachers would not be directly teaching their students. All that time would have to be covered off by other teachers, all eligible for additional prep time of their own.
The B.C. Public School Employers Association - which bargains with the union on the government's behalf--also points out that teachers have lots of "non-instructional time" right now.
Consider that the current school year contains 193 "sessional days" when teachers are officially at work. That includes six professional-development days(Pro-D day) and one "administration day" when classes are canceled.
That means kids are in class for 186 days a year (not including the three days lost to this week's strike). Each instructional day includes about five hours of actual teaching time, or about 25 hours a week.
For that amount of direct teaching time, teachers receive an average salary of $68240--not including benefits. That works out to #366.88foor each day of direct classroom teaching.
Now, before all the teachers out there start sending me hate mail: I'm not suggesting for a second that teachers don't do a tonne of work outside of class hours. Teachers must prepare lessons, mark papers, meet with students and their parents and attend staff meetings, among many other duties. Many teachers generously donate their time to extracurricular activities.課外的活動)
I am suggesting, however, that 193 "sessional days" a year looks pretty luxurious to an average working stiff getting by on four weeks' vacation each year.
I am suggesting that many of the union's contract demands are over the top and unaffordable, including the demand for more preparation time.
The union argues it only wants to catch up with the preparation time given to teachers in others provinces, including Ontario.
But Ontario, just like B.B., is fretting about the escalating costs of its education system when the economy is sluggish, the budget is in deficit and taxpayers are feeling tapped out.
Don Drummond, the economist who recently wrote a bombshell report on Ontario's budet crisis, singled out increased preparation time as a critical cost driver in that province's school system.
"Recent trends have led to a status-quot in elementary- and secondary- education expenditures that is not sustainable given the government's fiscal constraints," Drummond wrote.
In other words, Ontario can't afford to keep endlessly pouring money into a school system with falling enrollment. And neither can we.
Consider that over the past 10 years, the number of students enrolled in the B.C. public-school system has dropped by 59000. Yet the budget for education has gone up by more than a billion dollars, a 29-per-cent increase.
1. March 08(星期四) from 大紀元時報>>>春節將至 加航擬罷工
2. March 09(星期五) from 環球華報>>>航班面臨停飛 聯邦出手干預 加航罷工喊停....因薪酬和退休金項目分期治談判破裂,加拿大航空公司 (Air Canada) 最大工會下屬8,600個會員,本周三(7日)聲稱要再下周一 (3月12日) 發動罷工。而加航方面亦威脅說,將在同一時間 "禁飛"飛行員。由於事件涉及源工眾多,且包括有關鍵的技術性工作崗位加航航班屆時恐被迫停飛。在這種情況下,聯邦保守黨政府按過往做法,迅速出手實施行政干預。一場一觸即發的大規模工潮暫時偃旗息鼓。
3. March. 09 (星期六) from 大紀元時報>>>>聯邦政府擬立法阻加航罷工。
4. March 16(星期五) from 溫哥華周報>>>>罷工,又是罷工。最近罷工新聞不斷,讓人看得心驚。先是省的工校教師,再是加航機械師、貨運代理及行李員,這兩天又有護士、麻醉師要罷工了。
以下此投書 "The Province" 報紙的讀者道出教師當初如何爭取到此份教師的資格>>>>>>
The "Volunteer" work is critical for students
If you ask a retired teacher what they remember about the interview for their first teaching job, many will share this: they'll tell you that the principal or administrator who hired them asked what they could offer the school in terms of extracurricular activities. Could they coach a team, direct a play or run one of the school's many clubs? If you weren't interested in helping, you probably wouldn't get the job.
It's a real shame that at some point the teachers' union redefined(再加以定義) that work with kids as "volunteer", yet amazingly on Monday ordered its members to stop volunteering. As many teachers will say, it's during after-class activities that many kids derive(獲得)a lot of benefit, especially students who may not be high-achievers in class. It's while on teams, in plays or on clubs that many kids receive relaxed mentoring from caring adults, obtain new skills or develop confidence by finding something they're good at or enjoy.
Teachers who want to be considered professional need to understand that working with kids outside of class time should be an important prat of their careers that shouldn't be sacrificed (犧牲)during a contract dispute.
您這篇讓我這才來一年的人知道很多"內"幕,其實是我們從沒注意過罷工的相關訊息,要看英文好累^^, 謝謝。
[版主回覆03/08/2012 02:41:27]Hi LGK, 一般要有規模的抗議,都是加入工會的團體(公會叫他們務必抗議),家長忙工作、家務事,要能組團集體抗議還真難呢! 大溫哥華區到處有免費的中文報紙(大紀元時報每天出刊、環球華報與溫哥華週報每星期五出刊),也有免費的英文報紙(24H、Metro與每一個城市自己地方報紙,如Burnaby的Burnaby Now 與 NewsLeader還一星期兩次免費送到家門口),既然住在加拿大,就每天練習免費的英文報紙的大標題與圖片開始,讓自己的英 文字彙增加,那說起英文才有更多的字會可以使用。 我個人有一個想法>>>>待我退休不需工作後,我來組個讀英文報紙會(別人叫讀書會),一星期兩次(三與五,如免費送到家的報紙一樣時間),讓新移民朋友知道每星期周遭發生的事情!
Hi, 個人非常讚同您的感受, 原本對加拿大的教育非常認同的移民們,
如果一再如此鬧下去, 恐怕將來要再招徠移民會越來越難囉!
此文甚有警惕作用, 可以引用此文嗎? Thanks in advance!
[版主回覆03/11/2012 14:08:18]Ok, no problem, 我每天記載罷工的細節,就是要讓移民過來的或正想過來的同鄉,多了解一下加拿大的罷工合法文化多糟糕! 已經讓政府為此焦頭爛耳疲於應付!