http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/article?mid=5688&prev=5902&l=f&fid=81 (加拿大公民考練習題三)>>>>>
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/article?mid=5686&next=5661&l=f&fid=81 (加拿大公民考練習題二)>>>>>
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/article?mid=5661&prev=5686&next=5053&l=f&fid=81 (加拿大公民考練習題一)
1. 必須是加拿大和法的永久居民
2. 年齡在十八歲或以上,十八歲以下的兒童必須由父母代為申請入籍(不需要住滿三年,但必須已成為加拿大永久居民,申請時,父或母已經是加拿大公民或同時間與父或母申請入籍)
3. 在申請前四年內,已經在加拿大總共居留了三年。其計算方法是: 成為加拿大永久居民之前,如果已在加拿大居住(例如持學生或工作簽證的人士),其居留是以一天當半天計算,但最多只可計算一年,而在成為永久居民後,在加拿大居住一天便算一天計,換言之,在申請之前四年內,申請者必須有三年居住加拿大,而其中最少有兩年的居留是持有入境移民之身份(計算方法可以使用官方的網站.........http://services3.cic.gc.ca/rescalc/resCalcStartNew.do?〈=en )
4. 具有足夠的英文或法語會話能力,並能夠閱讀及書寫簡單的語文(**不用擔心此點,我周遭許多友人的英文能力仍維持在台灣的教育下,但仍可以輕易過關的)
5. 了解作為加拿大公民所應有的權利與責任,並熟識加拿大的政治體系,歷史背景及地理情況等(**這就是為什麼有公民考試的原因了)
1. 首先填寫入籍申請表,如一個家庭同時申請,每人須填寫一份表格,表格分成人與兒童(十八歲以下)。可致電加拿大入籍籍移民諮詢中心索取表格,電話 1888-242-2100,或從其網址 www.cic.gc.ca下載表格 (如果英文不行者,可以直接找專為華人服務的中橋互助會 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 網址 http://www.successbc.ca>>>上網找出最接近住家的分會所在地,打電話去約時間見面,他們會有專人解說而且發送申請表)
備註: 如果是替18歲以下的未成年子女申請公民入籍,申請人必須是未成年子女的父母、收養父母或合法監護人,未成年子女必須有加拿大永久居民的身分,申請人必須已成為加拿大公民或是同時與未成年子女申請公民入籍。但是加拿大移民部對擁有永久居民的身分的未成年子女,並沒有必須在加拿大住滿3年時間的要求,將來也沒有考公民入籍考試的煩惱。 (栽錄自溫哥華周報2011/10/07)
2. 用指定的繳費表(附於表格內),到銀行繳費(或直接到官方網站........http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp 用信用卡繳清,網站會自動e-mail給申請人費收據) ,成人每位加幣$200(包括$100手續費>>不可退回及$100入籍權利費>>Right of Citizenship Fee , 如申請沒獲批准,入籍權利費$100可退回。兒童入籍申請只需繳付加幣$100手續費。)去銀行繳費後,銀行將給繳費者兩張收據(一式兩聯),一張是用作自己留底用,另一張則要隨入籍申請表一同附上申請。
3. 二張彩色近照(拍照不可超過一年,照片後面必須印上照相館的名稱\地址\拍照的日期,目前最便宜的相館收加幣$10一組兩張),必須在照片底部的白色紙條上簽名,滿14歲的孩童需自己簽名。
4. 附上所需的資料,包括>>>楓葉卡以及移民入境紙副本/二張身分證明文件附本(例如駕照、銀行卡或醫 療卡),兒童的入籍申請,必須附上兒童的入境紙/楓葉卡/出生或領養證明書(印有兒童的姓名,出生日期,出生地點及父母或領養父母的姓名)/兩張身分證明書(例如學校成績單Report Card、醫療卡或圖書證,如父母已入籍則須附上父母的公民證。14歲以上的兒童必須在入籍申請表上簽名。
5. 將表格及有關文件以郵寄方式寄到加拿大入籍及移民部的個案處理中心,地址>>>
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Case Processing Centre - Sydney
P.O. Box 7000
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6V6
6. 遞交申請表後,一個月左右入籍及移民部會郵寄一封證明信(證明何日已收到申請表),再數月後,此部會再郵寄公民筆試通知單,並附上一本公民考試書(A Look At Canada),作為入籍考試的參考及準備。凡年齡在18至54歲之間的人士,必須接受入籍公民考試,18歲以下的兒童不需考試,只要父母是公民或通過公民考試,小孩便會跟隨父母自動獲得批准入籍。而55歲以上的人士,可豁免公民考試,只要通過背景檢查及出席宣誓典禮,便可成為公民。(等候時間之長短,依據當時工作人員人數與案件的多與少而不同,據一些朋友表示等上6個月以上者也有,而我家人比較幸運........9月底申請,6個月後的4月底公民考試,再兩個月後的6月底宣誓成為公民。)>>>>>>>>>>
7. 公民考試當天,先接受公民考試(需在30分鐘內填寫一份試卷,約20題,全部是選擇題,測試申請者對加拿大的認識)。其後申請者將與入籍部的職員一對一的談話,測試英文對答能力(問題很簡單,離不開申請者的住所、配偶、小孩、工作等的問題上打轉)
****2010年的10月,聯邦政府已經在新 版入籍考試指南中,新增國殤日的歷史意義,其改版的內容加強了政治體制及軍事歷史的篇幅(從用了15年的舊版47頁....名為 "加拿大一瞥 A Look at Canada" 改為66頁的新版....名為Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship)。 *****
>>>舊版的入籍指南,對於國殤日隻字未提,2010年的新版增加了相關的歷史內容。聯邦公民及移民部2010年3月15日推出新版公民入級考試指南>>書名【發現加拿大:公民權利和責任】 (Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship),取代了實行15年的舊版【加拿大一瞥】(A Look at Canada),10月13日又宣布做出修訂。 在3/15的新版考試出爐之後半年,政府還給筆試不及格的考生,有重考的機會,到了10月中宣部修訂時,更宣布重考可無限期延長,ˊ這些前所未有的優待,有移民顧問認為是因為及格率太低。 以英文的難度而言,舊版篇幅簡短,只有47頁,用字也比較簡單,容易記憶,相對而言,新版指南內容增加到66頁,用字較為艱深,相當於加國中學10年級的英文程度。因此,專家提醒考生不能光靠記憶,必須記憶與理解並重。考題與新增內容緊密配合。新版考題中,有一題就問【國殤日配帶罌粟花(Poppy)的意義何在? 許多新移民對滿街佩帶罌粟花的景象感到好奇,現在新版指南能令新移民明白此事的歷史意義,一起緬懷加國軍人為國家所做出的貢獻和犧牲,增強對加國的認同感,不失為一件好事。
8. 如筆試與對答合格將會安排出席宣誓儀式。若沒通過的話,將被要求出席再面試,給申請者多一次的機會進行入籍考試。但假使面試仍沒通過,入籍申請將被拒絕。申請者可進行上訴或重新再申請一次。(我周遭的朋友,沒有聽說沒過的人,太簡單了! 只是申請過程很繁瑣罷了!)
9. 若筆試或面試通過,申請者(大人與滿14歲以上的小孩)務必出席宣誓儀式(the Citizenship Ceremony),才可獲批准入籍成公民(這天也同時繳回楓葉卡),14歲以下的小孩不用出席宣誓儀式,但仍歡迎他們參與此盛會(父母代領公民證書)。宣誓儀式中,將獲發公民證書與公民卡(加拿大身分證),正式成為加拿大公民。
(Adults and children aged 14 or over must attend the citizenship ceremony and take the oath.Parents receive certificates of citizenship for their children under age 14. These children do not have to attend, but they are welcome.)
***有沒有在4年內住滿3年,達到申請公民的條件,可以上此網 站>>>>https://services3.cic.gc.ca/rescalc/resCalcStartNew.do?〈=en >>>>只要在官方的網上計算機填上5年來在護照上的出入境紀錄日期,它自動會幫忙計算出來申請者合乎標準否。
****入籍資料(英文)可參閱加拿大入籍及移民部的網址>>>www.cic.gc.ca 或致電他們的諮詢中心,電話>>>1-888-242-2100。加拿大以外的地方,可連絡就近的加拿大大使館、領事館或辦事處。
以下情況入籍申請將不被接納,必須免受禁令才可批准入籍,如有以下情況在入籍表上說 明>>>>>>>
1. 坐監或過去四年被監守行為或假釋
2. 在過去曾三年犯法
3. 曾被控訴犯上刑事罪行
4. 被加國驅逐出境
5. 觸犯戰爭罪刑或違反人道,正被調查中
6. 過去五年曾被剝奪公民身份
1. 2009 /04/17 開始到加拿大生小孩的話,小孩不再是加拿大公民了嗎??? ANS: 還是可以成為公民,但是父母無法因為小孩身份而申請依親(除非小孩滿18歲以上賺的年收入達到申請父母的標準之下才可以>>>>如何申請依親移民,可參閱此文章>>>>http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/article?mid=3695&prev=4613&next=3333&l=f&fid=81)
以下移民官方網站>>>> http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/rules.asp >>>>>如下的一些原文供參考>>>>>
A new law amending the Citizenship Act came into effect on April 17, 2009. The new law gives Canadian citizenship to certain people who lost it and to others who are recognized as citizens for the first time.
Citizenship is automatic and retroactive to the day the person was born or lost citizenship, depending on the situation. These people do not have to apply for citizenship, but may need to apply for a certificate to prove their citizenship. People who were Canadian citizens when the law came into effect will keep their citizenship.
Learn more about the new citizenship law:
- Who became a citizen
- Who did not become a citizen
- Understanding the first generation limitation
- New citizenship law and adoption
- What do I need to prove I am a Canadian citizen?
- Why changes to the law were necessary
Who became a citizen under the new law
The law restores citizenship to people who:
- became citizens when the first citizenship act took effect on January 1, 1947, including people born in Canada prior to 1947 and war brides. It also applies to other British subjects who had lived in Canada for at least five years before 1947, became citizens on January 1, 1947, and who then lost citizenship.
It also restores citizenship to people who:
- were born in Canada or who became Canadian citizens on or after January 1, 1947, and who then lost their citizenship and
- were born outside Canada, on or after January 1, 1947, in the first generation born abroad, to a Canadian citizen.
The law also gives citizenship to some people who have never been citizens. This includes people who:
- were born outside Canada on or after January 1, 1947
- are in the first generation born abroad and
- were born to a Canadian citizen.
Who did not become a citizen under the new law
Some people did not become citizens under the new law. This includes people who:
- did not become citizens when the first citizenship act took effect on January 1, 1947
- were born in Canada but are not citizens because when they were born, one of their parents was a foreign diplomat and neither parent was a permanent resident or citizen of Canada
- were born outside Canada to a Canadian parent, who are not already citizens or who lost their citizenship in the past, and who were born in the second or next generation abroad (this includes people who failed to retain citizenship)
- renounced their citizenship as adults with the Canadian government or
- had their citizenship revoked by the government because it was obtained by fraud.
Understanding the first generation limitation
Under the old rules, it was possible for Canadians to pass on their citizenship to endless generations born outside Canada. To protect the value of Canadian citizenship for the future, the new law limits – with a few exceptions – citizenship by descent to one generation born outside Canada.
This means that children born to Canadian parents in the first generation outside Canada will only be Canadian at birth if:
- one parent was born in Canada, or
- one parent became a Canadian citizen by immigrating to Canada and was later granted citizenship (also called naturalization).
另外謝謝網友Sandy 2010/9月05日提供的訊息,這對想在加拿大生產的父母(非居民或公民)很有幫助>>>> 1. 住院包括自然產約$ 6000 一天就出院 (居民或公民住滿6個月以上者不用半毛錢)
2. 剖婦大約是$14000 住院大約是2 天左右 (居民或公民住滿6個月以上者不用半毛錢)
3. 月子中心一個月收費大約$3800---4200(居民與公民皆同此價位)
2012/02/19 新聞: 現在移民部對入籍申請人的居留紀錄審查比較嚴格了。有些人在遞交了申請後,移民部發現其居住的天數與護照記錄不符,要求提供出入境證明,但這些紀錄在護照上沒有顯示。申請人就需要再到入籍法官前聆訊,提供能夠證明居住天數的資料。