俗語說 "活到老,學到老" ,就算已經吃了一輩子的草莓,住在台灣,也沒去採草莓過,所以種草莓對我而言,是一個既新鮮又好奇的園藝,感謝好友 Helen (她是我在加拿大種植蔬果的Mentor),去年秋冬給我四棵草莓栽,第二年的夏天就有收成了,而且繼續繁殖新苗呢!
春天時,就可以澆蔬果用的20-20-20肥料水(粉與水 15cc : 4000cc 比例稀釋),讓未來的草莓肥碩!>>>
往日與公公同住時,他常常說 "再怎麼看,還是自己的孫子最可愛! " ,現在摘下自己呵護長成的草莓,雖然不夠家人吃,但還是覺得很有成就感!
備註: 但是 2013的夏天。從6月底可以一直採收到7月初 (約6星期),每天採收,每天吃,可以敦睦親鄰,還可以回贈總是幫我留咖啡渣的同事們!
備註: 草莓栽種了4年後就得拔除丟棄(因為長不出水果了),改種母株長出的新苗! 如下圖內一根長線尾端的新苗,所以第一年栽種的草莓栽,未來都可以繁殖更多的新苗,而不需要再花錢買額外的栽苗了!
2013年的初春4月氣候,就已經艷陽高照,讓加拿大的萬物(植物與動物)提早享受夏天的洗禮,以往6月中才可以採收(U-pick)的草莓,今年提早半個月,於6月初就可以收成了,看看我自家後院以下的草莓區(3個區)相片(拍照於5月12日母親節),白色的花就是未來的草莓了! >>>>>
以下的文章載自溫哥華的報紙>>>>The Province News 2013/5月9日*************
Weather good for crops but not for fires, floods
The summer weather likely won't last the weekend, but B.C. can expect the next few months to be warmer and drier than normal - conditions that could create challenges for fire and flood management, but a bumper crop for farmers.
Environment Canada's forecast sees sunny skies and 20-plus-degree temperatures lasting to Friday in the Lower Mainland. Weekend rain is expected to dampen plan in Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley and Greater Victoria.
Environment Canada's three-month seasonal forecast anticipates higher than normal temperatures and lower than normal precipitation throughout most of B.C. from May through July. The weather is helping farmers get a jump on crops.
Alf Krause of Krause Berry Farms in Langley said his farm, which usually open for strawberry season June 15, may have fresh berries for sale June 1. U-Pick could start June 10. "This has been a good kick-start," Krause said. "Things are growing very well. But we still have four weeks to go, so we'll see what the weather does."
The spring freshet is well under way. The province's River Forecast Centre issued a high stream-flow advisory Wednesday for the Okanagan, Similkameen, Boundary, Kootenay, and Thomposon regions.
Snowpacks are at or near normal, though higher in the Upper Fraser, Okanagan and South Thompson. For the majority of B.C. normal flood risk is expected. But the centre's David Campbell stressed that could change. "Higher flows are a possibility, but would require extreme weather to drive that," said Cambell, adding: "The weather we are getting now, if it were to continue, would be considered extreme."
Conditions have led to early wildfires and precautionary fire bans. The official fire-danger rating is moderate in most of B.C., with pockets rated high, the B.C. Wildfire Management Branch states. "The concern for us isn't just the heat, but also the low level of humidity we're seeing that's creating ideal conditions for a wildfire to start," said provincial fire information officer Kevin Skrepnek. "A big determination toward how fire season will progress is the precipitation we will see in June." Skrepnek said 140 wildfires had been reported as of April 1, below the 10-year average. All but one of the fires were man-made.
There are 18 active wildfires larger than 10 hectares - the largest is the Spatsum Creek wildfire, 10 kilometres south of Ashcroft. There are bans on large open fires and fireworks in the Cariboo and Kamloops regions and another starting Thursday in the Peace region.
[版主回覆06/28/2010 13:48:15]Hi Bevin, 我就是這麼想,所以每天下班回來還不嫌累,再到自己的菜圃與那些蔬果打招呼與澆澆水!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/29/2010 12:01:09]Hi Lisa, 種草莓沒有想像中的難,任何園藝新手如我者,都可以輕鬆上路! Good luck!
回覆刪除Gladys is so great.
[版主回覆07/12/2010 07:48:39]謝謝! 種草莓也是好奇心,沒種過的總是想嘗試看看,它們是不夠家人吃的!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/18/2012 13:33:58]不肥不肥,只是近距離的拍照,看起來大了些! 自己種的不施農藥,安心吃了!