2007年8月29日 星期三

純的綠豆糕(The pure mung bean cake)




約兩年前,當我逛到麗晶廣場(Crystal Mall)的二樓時,在中信中心(CCM Center-專會華人服務的教會機構)得到我要的各種課程。歷年來,它除了有自己的免費課程外(有課程表、每星期五約有一堂課2小時),它還與中橋互助會(政府贊助專為華人服務的機構)合作,另外又有專為新移民舉辦的資訊講座。我的綠豆糕,就是中信的義工太太指導下學會的。因此綠豆糕,比台灣鹿港名產綠豆糕還要原味,所以我稱它為純的綠豆糕。



材料/用具:  去皮綠豆仁(peeled split mung bean) 一包(400公克)、蒸鍋(內鋪上麻布)、壓碎器(Press)、細白糖 200公克、飯匙 一只、方形盤、形狀壓模一只、紅蘿蔔 一薄片、一飯碗水、小紙杯約30只(一元商店有賣)、硬殼保鮮盒1-2個、果醬(可無)。





>>>> 此種壓碎器較好壓碎


步驟1. 去皮綠豆糕(peeled split mung bean) 一包(400公克),洗淨用冷水泡著過夜(overnight)

步驟2. 第二天早上瀝乾水分,放入蒸鍋(內鋪上麻布,上放綠豆),以小火(#3)蒸40分鐘後,趁熱用壓洋芋成泥的壓碎器壓成泥狀後,再加入200公克的細白糖拌勻後,待涼。

步驟3. 用飯匙將步驟2的泥壓入方形盤(壓實),再用做餅乾形狀的壓模(找厚一點的,內先鑲入紅蘿蔔,作推出綠豆糕之用,否則綠豆糕會破掉,每壓2-3次綠豆糕後,再沾一下水於壓模內,待再壓綠豆糕時,比較容易推出糕型來),再用盛小蛋糕用的最小紙杯盛成型的綠豆糕。>>>>



步驟4. 將成品放入硬殼的保鮮盒內,再放入冷凍櫃內可以保存1--2-個月皆可(但記得是密封保存)。>>>>


備註: 1. 冷凍後馬上吃,感覺像吃硬的冰淇淋。退冰後吃,軟軟的,綠豆味較濃郁。

            2. 冷凍後拿出來,趁硬著馬上點上果醬(藍莓、草莓或水蜜桃....皆可),是Potluck(百家餐聚會)  最有看頭的甜點。





2007年8月24日 星期五

珍珠奶茶(Bubble Milk Tea)



(The most popular drink for Chinese, I think is Bubble Milk Tea. Every new immigrant of Chinese(including adult and children) always eager to drink a cup of Bubble Tea. But if the price compare Taiwanese with Canadian, the Canadian price  is almost 4 times. Adults could endure the eagerness for drinking, but children usually couldn't. Because this situation, it force me to research the best recipe that same as Tea shops'. Right now I have turned out well. )


麗晶廣場內的台芳店(賣火鍋丸的隔壁)春夏秋季有賣一包3公斤(K gs)的濕粉圓$10(比透明小盒裝便宜許多,台灣一包3公斤才約加幣$4),回家後分裝成家人一次的量(7人份一次每小包300公克),放入冷凍庫,可以放心的慢慢使用約6個月。Superstore shop有賣一盒約100小包裝的紅茶包(Lipton Brand)、 原味奶精 一罐(Nestle Brand較好 )、細糖一包。

(The Pearl Bubbles can be bought  at  Cristal Mall's shop--the next door of Fish Ball shop or T&T Superstore. If family members all like   this kind drink, I recommend parents to buy the biggest bag about 3kgs for $10,then portion out the bubble for 300g each small bag(for 7 people of family) and put them into freezer. They can be kept  fresher about six months ). Black Tea box (100pcs per box of Lipton Brand)、Fine Granulated Sugar and Original Coffee mate (Nestle Brand  better )can be bought at the Superstore shop.)


步驟1.  中大型的鋼鍋內盛2000cc的水,放在電爐上用大火煮滾(務必等水滾開才可以放入粉圓,否則粉圓會融化於溫水中而不成真珠狀),濕粉圓約300公克(約7人的量)慢慢放入滾熱中的水中(可同時用大湯匙攪動粉圓,以防粉圓黏在一起),待滾開後,轉小火(2-3號),計時30分(指大粒,如果中粒煮20分)同時蓋上蓋子,每約7分鐘左右打開蓋子攪拌粉圓以防黏在一起,待時間到,關掉電源,悶50分鐘(指大粒,如果中粒悶30分),不要打開蓋子,也不用再攪動。

Step1.  Middle pot  with 2000cc water, put on the oven with the biggest fire to boil, when the water is boiling(must waiting the water have boiled, otherwise the pearl bubbles will be melt into powder), put 300g of pearl bubbles(about for 7peoples) into the pot slowly and stir them immediately(prevent from sticking together), when it's boiling, turn down  to the lowest fire (about No. 2 to 3 of oven) and put on the cover of pot  , Simmer them about 30minutes for the biggest size, 20minutes for middle size(during the time, must  stir them every 7minutes, otherwise it'll stick together), then turn off the fire, keeping inside  about 50minutes for the biggest size, 30minutes for middle size, don't open the cover and stir them.>>>>

步驟2.  在等待粉圓悶好的時間內,準備一個大碗公,內盛棕糖約100公克(甜度隨個人喜愛加減,但用棕糖比用白糖香),熱開水約50cc入碗 公內再攪拌溶解棕糖後,再放入約50cc的冷開水攪拌均勻。

Step2.  During waiting Pearl Bubbles are ready, getting one bigger bowl with Brown sugar (about 100g), pouring hot water about 50cc and stir until melting the sugar, then pouring cold water  about 100--250cc(depend on how many bubbles are)>>


步驟3.  在等待粉圓悶好的時間內,也準備一個大型鋼鍋入3000cc的水,放在電爐上用大火煮滾關掉電源,放入五包紅茶包,悶約20分鐘(濃度隨個人喜愛而長或短),拿掉茶包(曬乾可以將內茶粉放入菜園的土壤內和均,當有機土用),放入白細糖200公克(用手打蛋器拌均),再放入Coffee Mate 200公克(慢慢加入,可時用打蛋器打拌起泡,如此就如用雪克杯shake 奶茶成泡沫紅茶般),此時奶茶已經可以喝了。(多出的奶茶可以盛入容器內,放入冰箱下層,當早餐的飲料用)

Step3.  During waiting bubbles are ready, preparing one bigger pot with 3000cc water,put on oven with the biggest fire to boil, when the water is boiling,  turn off the fire and put 5pcs black tea bag into pot but hang on them on the rim of pot, keeping inside about 20minutes, then take out the tea bags. put into fine granulated sugar 200g and stir, then put slowly into coffee-mate 200g and stir slowly with whisk at same time.(Milk tea also can be drunk at breakfast)>>>>


步驟4. 悶好的粉圓,用瀝網瀝掉水,再沖入冷水攪拌勻(如此直到粉圓冷卻下來為止,約要3-4次重複動作),最後一次瀝乾水份約要5-10分後,再將粉圓放入步驟2的碗公內拌勻,等約30分鐘後(讓棕糖的香甜滲入粉圓)就可以與步驟3的奶茶合起來成好喝的珍珠奶茶了。(煮好的粉圓最好當天吃完,如果真的會留到第二天,可以用微波盧微波20秒,否則粉圓會變硬)

Step4.  When Step  l  have finished already,drain  bubbles' water from pot, pour new cool water into pot with bubbles, then drain water from pot again. (do this way for 3-4 times, until bubbles have cooled down. Then completely drain water and put into step 2 bowl and stir even(In order to be more delicious, please eat them  30minutes  later, and eat up  them during one day. If leave  them to next day, can microwave them for 20sections.)>>>>