2008年4月25日 星期五

聰明的加拿大老鼠(the Smarter Mice in Canada)



我曾試過放高處的架上,也曾試過包數層的袋子,結果仍是被咬破。二手店做義工的洋人朋友(老人家),在一次休息的閒聊中提及錢鼠的可惡,我得知她們的防鼠之道,就是糖、米或麵粉(包括薯粉、芶芡粉、糯米粉與再來米粉)買來後要馬上用 各種容器裝起來,否則必全部遭殃。>>>





2008年4月17日 星期四

番茄炒蛋(Fry Tomato with Egg)




步驟1. 準備大蕃茄(較紅者)2個洗淨切成小片、蛋4個放入碗中打散待用、蔥2中根洗淨切成珠或切段皆可(可無)、>>>>

步驟2. 以3T(大匙)的蔬菜油入炒鍋中,開大火,將蛋汁放入炒鍋翻炒製成凝固狀且蛋香出來後,放入番茄片,再加入鹽約1T(或1t+油膏1t)細糖1/2 t, 翻炒幾下,等之燒開,即可熄火盛出>>>


2008年4月16日 星期三

二手店義工群(Thrift Store' Volunteers)




新移民來到新國度,沒經濟壓力的家庭,可以考慮利用政府免費提供的學習英文教育,接著找政府贊助的機構的Case Manager(經理人)繼續上免費的就業課程3星期,或是直接找一些機構也是免費但可上8星期的就業課程,此時大家已經累積義工或環境市場的知識,就業就比較得心應手了。

如果有經濟壓力的新移民,尋求解決的辦法就是懂得求職策略------1. 需不要計較得失,放下身段,儘快找到一份入職的工作(entry level job)一份可以幫助自己取得此地工作經驗的工作,這是踏入加拿大工作機會的第一步。2. 當義工是加拿大的文化、本地的特色。在履歷表上,工作經驗是不分有薪、無薪,同樣受到重視,而義工是每個加拿大社區的靈魂和核心,義工付出時間和精神去服務社區,和受薪者有著同等價值。擔任義工有助吸取寶貴的知識和技能,可發展及鍛鍊解決問題的技巧,同時能為義工在新的事物和領域上,增強自信心,更可為新移民開拓展新而有意義的事業軌道,伸展個人的網路,促進文化交流。

想與一群和藹可親的老人家一起工作,除了可以為自己家中添購物美價廉的用品外,還可以與他(她)們練習講英文? 如果有意願,歡迎星期一到星期六的10:00am 到4:00pm 親臨 Burnaby 城市的Edmond Street 與 6th Street交叉處(往New Westmister城市的方向)的轉角有停車場的地方,向櫃檯的義工要一份申請表,填妥交回表格即可,外面立一個Thrift Store 的招牌很醒目。

這間二手店是隸屬於附近的教會所有,只有此家(2007/7月13開張)別無分店,整個委員會成員加義工約70人,全部是不支付薪資的義工群,店內所有的擺售物品,全部是鄰近的百姓/教友將家裡不再用的物品捐獻出來,此店賺來的錢,全部轉去救濟非洲尚比亞(Zambia)的孤兒(非洲的國家因信仰與貧窮之故,父母平均壽命只有35歲)。當初開張的所有費用,是向多位教友無息貸款來租店、添購硬體設備,因為歐美國家注重物品的轉利用價值與環保的重要,所以二手店,包括自家假日的庭院舊貨出售(Yard Sale),一直非常盛行,所以此店2007/12月就已經將借來的錢,全部還清,開始賺錢全數捐給"Seeds of Hope Children's  Ministry" 網站: www.seedsofhopecm.com 了>>>


這是櫃檯的Grace 義工>>>>


義工的工作,除了某些人特定做櫃檯的收銀外,其他的工作是整理他人捐獻過來的物品,上價格,拿到外面的架上,整理架上凌亂的物品,物品之多,宛如一個大家庭內的倉庫,以下是一件全新的T-shirt,像我就曾經在義工日整理外來衣服時,幫兒子找到全新又是他喜歡的黑色襯衫(T-shirt) 2 件,店價才$3.5>>>>



後面是書籍、CD、DVD、還有電子琴 2台(約$50.00),有時還有直立的大時鐘>>>>>


這個古典的櫥櫃,已經被訂購了(很難想像這是某家庭不用而捐獻出來的),地下室擺放了所有家具、廚房用品與嬰兒用品,才開張一年多,東西已經快擠滿店內的空間了,我常常跟他們委員們開玩笑,需要再開第二家分店了,是呀! 但義工哪裡找那麼多呢? 所以經由他們的同意,我刊出這篇訊息,希望有心貢獻一些時間者,可以與他們聯繫,這種經驗還可以在履歷表上的加拿大經驗內站上一個位置喔!  二手店電話:604-521-1013  地址: 7889 Edmonds Street, Burnaby, BC>>>


***或上此地的網址 www.volunteerburnaby.ca   義工工作的內容包括------行政、文藝、媒體、電腦、輔導、公益、保母、健康、教育、特別活動、緊急服務等全職、半職或短期的工作。

Volunteer today.............                           以下文章載自Burnaby本地的免費報紙-Newsleader

Short-term volunteer roles are perfect for busy people who want to give back. they also provide an opportunity for new experiences and a chance to  meet new people. VolWeb.ca is a volunteer-matching service created by 2010 Legacies Now, a non-profit society serving British Columbia. The website is designed to help volunteers find short-term, event-based positions that fit their interests, skills and lifestyle.

"If you're short on time but you wtill want to give back to the community, explore career options or just meet new people, volunteering at community events is a great option," say Lorelynn hart, who manages VolWeb.ca for 2010 Legacies Now.  "Special event volunteering covers all kinds of activities," continues Hart, "and calls for a variety of skill sets, which means it's great for people of any age who have several different areas of interest. The time commitment if often just one day or one weekend, and many people find they are able to contribute to these events which are so important to the community."

2010 Legacies Now created VolWeb.ca, with support from the Province of B.C., to encourage volunteerism throughout British Columbia. If you would like to find event-based volunteer opportunities in your community, visit VolWeb.ca. Check out  community. VolWeb.ca to find additional volunteer opportunities through your local volunteer centre. The benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community. The intangible benefits alone-such as pride, satisfaction and accomplishment- are worthwhile reasons to serve. in addition, when we share our time and talents, we can transform our own lives.


另外Volunteer Drivers Needed  on Burnaby Meals on Wheels >>>>>Do you enjoy driving and giving a helping hand? Join a great team of volunteeers at Burnaby Meals on Wheels. Your gift of a few hours a week will make a difference!>>>>Call Heidi at 604-299-5754  ext. 27 or email at heidi@mealsonwheels-burnaby.com                         www.MealsOnWheels-Burnaby.com



1.  如果想來這家thift store 當義工,是否需要面試? 在thrift store 當義工有甚麼條件嗎? 例如年齡??  ANS:  只要跟櫃台的人員索取義工表格,填一填後,直接交還給櫃檯人員即可,不用面試也沒有任何條件要求(如年齡或學歷)。但在填表格內,會要求提供三位推薦人 (姓名與電話),此二手店的委員們會打電話去此三個推薦人,詳問申請者的為人如何........等,他們委員們會開會決定你是否OK,再決定打電話給你上班 否!


2008年4月7日 星期一

世界婦女會(Women of the World)

人生分好幾個階段(年輕有活力,越老越沉寂),但我好像越老越活躍於人生舞台,不管人生先前如何過來,也許換了一個國度,一切都要重來,認識新環境與工作職場、學烘培與庭院的管理、如似小孩般的學英文、就如我的孩子所說 "Mom越來越年輕了",不管我已經漸漸老態了,可是心中一直想學新國度的事物與人文,所以參與了了社區的義工,只要我有一絲的時間,哪怕只有星期六,我也答應了。結果我的最愛>>>星期六的Hiking(森林健走)也得犧牲了。人生有許多的取捨,就看每個人的需求來割捨,我想越快在洋人社區內學好Native Speaker(當地的語言),那我就得選擇了一有機會就申請的勇氣。>>>>>>

3月8日是世界婦女節,Burnaby 市政府的 Family Life Institute 機構於今年(2008)年初第一年舉辦婦女互動活動,機構遴選了8位Mentors(良師益友)、8位proteges(受保護者),這16位婦女除了未來6個月私下彼此交流外(在工作上成功的婦女輔助新移民或單親媽媽從新進入加拿大的職場), 還參與Burnaby城市最大兩個大賣場(Loungheed Town Centerl and Brentwood Town Center)的服裝秀(Mall內的各服飾店、 皮包店與鞋店免費提供每位Mentor 或 Protego各3套衣服Fashion Show 的演出)>>>>>>




****Burnaby地方報紙是此活動的贊助者之ㄧ,所以在三月29日 星期六的 Burnaby Now報紙內有詳細的刊載 此活動的詳情,茲供參考>>>>>

Events for women offered at local malls-----Lougheed, Brentwood town centres present special events for Women of the World

Two local malls are getting into the spirit of the Women of the World program.

On Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5, Lougheed Town Centre and Brentwood Town Centre will join with Burnaby Family Life to present two days of multicultural entertainment, educational  seminars(專家討論會), informational exhibits and a fashion show for the Women of the World event.

The primary goal of the event is to provide information on employment readiness opportunities to low-income and immigrant women through educational workshops and mentoring(顧問指導).

Eight women who are currently enrolled in Burnaby Family Life programs have been selected as proteges(受保護者) for mentorship. These women are either single mothers and /or new Canadians on limited incomes.

Mentors(良師益友) were selected through an application process. They are eight women who are active in the Burnaby business community and who have overcome their personal challenges to achieve successful careers. Mentors and proteges were introduced and given an opportunity to get acquainted with each other at a meet-and-greet event at Brentwood Town Centre on March 11. It is hoped that the mentorship program will provide inspiration(靈感) and guidance for the proteges as they develop their career paths.

On April 4, Lougheed Town Centre will host the formal opening ceremony of the program. Invited guests include Community Services Minister Ida Chong, the mayors of Burnaby, port Moody, Coquitlam, port Coquitlam and New Westminster, Burnaby city councillors, Tri-City MLAs and MPs, the Burnaby fire chief, the RCMP superintendent(監督人) and other notables (顯要人物)from the Tri-City area.

Burquitlam MLA Harry Bloy, who was instrumental(有幫助的) in procuring(取得) a $10,000 contribution(捐獻) from the provincial government, has been invited to formally declare the event open.

Immediately following, women are invited to attend six seminars given by experts in their fields, on a variety of areas such as professional dressing on budget, hair and makeup, financial planning and self-defence(自我防禦).

Several merchants from both malls have demonstrated(表示) their support of this program by loaning clothing and other product for the fashion show on April 5 and by donating prizes for the event.

Additional sponsors of the event are the B.C. provincial govenment, who contributed $10,000 for the development of the program, the Burnaby NOW newspaer and the Burnaby Board of Trade.