2008年9月30日 星期二

雙色饅頭(Steamed Two Colours Breads)


小孩的胃口真奇怪! 同是饅頭,同顏色的嫌不好吃(可能吃膩了),有得變花樣來滿足他們的食慾了。沒想到第一次做此雙色饅頭剛出爐(才吃完晚餐一小時後),,女兒一吃就是兩個,兒子一吃就是4個(兒子說 "在K書,我需要補充能量,媽! 有什麼好吃的?")


步驟1. 溫奶水或溫水 360ml、all purpose麵粉4杯(即中筋麵粉, 約700公克,一杯是240 ml)、白糖4T(約80公克,可不用,因有黑糖麵糰之甜了)、泡打粉1/4t(可不用,會使饅頭更澎鬆)、發酵粉1又1/2t,沙拉油 40公克(讓麵糰柔軟,不加也可,較健康),全部放在攪拌鍋內,用鉤型的麵團器攪拌均勻到不黏鍋止再攪拌5分鐘左右至麵團外表成光滑狀,再放入烤箱內(攪拌鍋要蓋上蓋子),醒一小時到二小時(放入之前的烤箱要先用70度C預3分再關掉,醒的環境溫度高一點,有助於發酵快一點,因加拿大室溫太低了)。另做一份麵糰用純黑糖9T(約100公克)代替白糖,先用100ml熱水融化黑糖的顆粒(需用小湯匙去壓溶小顆粒),溫奶水就要減少100ml成260ml,其他同上)>>>>(糖務必在此步驟內加入,它有促進酵母粉發酵作用!)


步驟2. 一小時後,如果麵團的體積已脹至原來的兩倍,拿出來再用麵團器攪拌數分鐘後,拿出來, 將兩份不同色麵糰,分別平分兩份(小一點,比較好趕麵成皮),每份用桿麵棍趕成長條的麵皮(大小一致)>>


步驟3. 分別將不同色的麵皮疊在一起,捲成長條狀,並以每個約同大小的份量切成塊狀,就成雙色的饅頭,將成品放入大烤盤內,再放入烤箱內醒40分鐘到二小時,等成品變光滑止。>>>>




步驟4. (要蒸之前5分鐘,拿出蒸鍋,加入1/3鍋的水,舖上濕的紗布,再開火等水滾開),將光滑的饅頭放入蒸鍋內蒸8分鐘(饅頭)後關火爐,悶10分鐘後才拿出饅頭,先放在出爐鋼架上待冷後,再放入保鮮盒內冷藏(2-3天內吃完)或冷凍(可1-2月的保存)。如果濕紗布已經乾了,務必再弄濕紗布,否則第二次蒸出的饅頭會黏住紗布,不易拿出。(如不在蒸鍋內多停留10分鐘,拿出來的成品會皺皺的外表)>>>>>>


*********饅頭/包子/水煎包(Steamed breads or with stuffing)    請參閱以下文章內的步驟與圖片>>>>>http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/article?mid=2288

*********芋饅頭(Steamed Taros breads)    請參閱以下文章內的步驟與圖片>>>>>http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taichungliu1025/article?mid=11908

2008年9月26日 星期五

台式炒米粉(Taiwanese Stir-Fried Rice Noodle)


炒一盤米粉是宴客時必備的,也是家人吃膩飯配菜的傳統飲食外的牙祭,更是小孩上學帶午餐的好點子,因為裡面有肉、木耳、蔬菜、香菇,營養足夠了。一次工作的老人院舉辦亞洲文化節,我提供了炒米粉與澎湖黑糖糕,結果許多洋人同事喜歡上我的台式米粉,紛紛要求我提供食譜, 所以以下步驟我不得不中英文並列,供他們上網查詢。


步驟1.  米粉454公克用冷水泡30分鐘變軟瀝乾(切勿用溫水或熱水),再用剪刀剪約5公分長度,待用(Keep dried rice noodle 454g in cool water for 30 minutes, then scissor the  soft rice noodle  every  5cms  in length. put aside to cook later.)  >>>>


步驟2. 肉(豬、牛、雞皆可)300公克切絲(用1T醬油膏醃上30分鐘)、香菇(大)15朵與木耳10片用溫水泡軟後切絲、紅蘿蔔(大)一條切絲、高麗菜(大)10片洗淨切絲,待用(此部份可以依自己的喜好加減). ( Preserved shredded any kind of meat  300g with Oyster Soybean Sauce 1T for 30 minutes, keep the  dried mushrooms 15pcs and dried black funguses 10pcs in warm water for 15 minutes then  shredded, shredded the biggest carrot 1pc, Shredded Chinese cabbage or Nappa Siu Choy 10slices, put aside to cook later.) p.s.:  can choose any kind of vegetable.>>>>


步驟3. 用4T蔬菜油炒散肉絲(中火),再加香菇絲炒香,接著放入木耳絲、紅蘿蔔絲略炒均勻後,最後放入高麗菜絲略炒後,加入調味料(鹽1T、醬油膏2T、柴魚粉1T、胡椒粉1T與香油1T)炒至菜變軟. (Use middle fire of stove to stir-fry the shredded meat with any kind of  veggie oil 4T until the shredded meat  separated, then add the shredded mushroom  to keep  stir-fry for 1-2minutes, next add shredded  black fungus and carrots to keep stir-fry well mixed, at the end add shredded Chinese cabbage and seasoning-- including salt 2T, oyster soybean sauce 2T, , pepper powder  1T , sesame oil 1T and  meat juice or water 1-2cups --depend on the juice of veggie is enough or not,  to keep stir-fry well mixed.)>>>


步驟4. 再放入泡軟的米粉,炒至均勻後,如果水份不夠(因蔬菜量不多,或有些不容易出水),此時可以放1杯到2杯的高湯入炒,再轉小火,蓋上鍋蓋悶約5-10分,讓各種菜香入米粉(此程序很重要,關係到米粉香不香). (Add cut rice noodle to stir-fry well mixed,  turn down the fire to small and cover the lip of  stir-frying pan to stew for 5-10minutes and stir once during the stewing. P.S. Stewing is very important for this step. It will be concern with the rice noodle whether yummy or  not. )>>>



2008年9月21日 星期日

本拿比2008燈節(Burnaby Night of 2008 Lantern Festival)

A magical community lantern(一個神秘又迷人的社區燈節)
procession around Deer Lake Park(在鹿湖的附近進行)
Friday, September 19, 2008


會場隨時有踩高翹的特殊人物(Stilt-walkers),他們的佈置、表現與服裝秀,很難想像是由一群義工群合力完成,所以再宣傳單內有一段>>>A big thank you to our many volunteers whose hard work and enthusiasm add to the magic of this event.(最大的感激我們許多義工们的辛勤與熱誠參予此次的神祕活動)>>>>




打鼓樂(Djembe Drum Circle),此種屬西非,似蘑菇的鼓,專業的鼓手,將帶領參予者打鼓,每個人都可以參予打一下鼓的樂趣>>>>

皮影戲(Shadow Play),真是一個辛苦的表演>>>>

最後15分鐘的壓軸戲是玩火秀(Fire Spinning Show),繩子的兩端點上火球,或呼拉圈四周點上火球,這種表演真是刺激,但也替表演者捏一把冷汗,觀看者覺得很危險,但表演者卻是操控火球自如>>>>>

**如果錯過2008年的燈節,可以留意明年的此時,瀏覽以下的官方網站> www. shadboltcentre.com   或地方免費報紙>> Burnaby Now,在9月17日的當日報紙有刊載訊息>>>

*** **************************************************************************************** 

   The shores of Deer Lake are about to be the scene of a pulsating procession(令人心動的行列)of  drum beats and light.

   The City of Burnaby and the Public Dreams Society are presenting the Night of 2008 Lights on Sept. 19. The annual lantern festival typically draws 1,500 to 2,000 people.

   "It's really magical," said Julie-Anne Slade, the city's special events officer. "the whole site becomes a glimmering palette(微光的獨特色彩) of candlelight and different colours."

   The field behind the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts will be full of roving musicians(遊動的樂師), stilt-walkers(踩高蹺者) and fire-spinners(玩火秀). New elements include iridescent kites (虹彩的風箏) that will criss-cross the night sky and a labyrinth (迷宮) made of 1,000 sandfilled paper bags holding candles.

   The event runs from 7 to 9:30 pm in Deer Lake Park, and admission if free.

   Bebore the festival, there is a free lantern-making workshop for kids 16 and under, while supplies last, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm.   At 7:15 pm, there will be a djembe drum circle where the audience gets to participate.   Djembe is a West African, mushroom-shaped drum. Professional drummers will lead the circle, and everyone is invited to join in.    There are also djembe drum performances from 7 to 7:30 pm and from 8 to 8:30 pm.

   The lantern procession starts at 8:30 pm and the night wraps us with a fire spinning show at 9:15 pm. Some lanterns will be on sale for $5, and proceeds go to local civic youth centres.

   Slade recommends people bring flashlights, barbecue lighters and extra tea lights. Parents should also arrange to meet their kids at the info tent in case anyone gets separated or lost. On Sept. 17, there is a free drumming workshop from 7 to 9 pm. For more information, visit www.shadboltcentre.com   

2008年9月15日 星期一

義大利式球戲(Bocce ball)

第一次參加洋人社區的一年一次聚會(potluck),而且是在湖邊與一群退休的老人家,雖然這一群裡,我是最年輕的一位,卻讓自已感覺已經變老了,大家晚餐前閒話家常,吃每個人準備過來的菜餚前,又是義大利式球戲(Bocce ball)比賽來暖身,十足的加拿大式聚會,讓我非常感謝好朋友又是好姐妹的Helen帶我參予此盛會。


左邊第二位穿黑色上衣者,即是Helen, 後面的湖是Vaseux Lack>>>>>


義大利式球戲(Bocce ball),分兩組,每組2個人,每一人有兩個球在手上,擲球前,必須先將唯一顏色的球(如黃色)投擲到任何遠處,每一組再輪流擲出一球去最近黃球的位子(我本來是與左邊的印度裔女士同一組,但為了照相,所以請中間穿粉色衣服的男士代替我的位子),草坪的草太長或有一點點斜坡,也會影響成績,>>>>>>

總共8個球擲出後(每組四個球),再計算哪一組的球最接近唯一顏色的球(黃色),哪一組就贏了。因為我沒有參予(沒把運氣帶進來),所以我這組輸了。 Ha.....Ha......臭屁!

註: 我本來已經忘記這種球戲叫什麼來者?(英文字太多了,記不起來), 又不好意思去煩好朋友Helen。結果在工作的休息期間(半小時)看Burnaby Now 免費的報紙時,在一篇Evening of cheese and wine文章內,被我發現了此遊戲的名字,真是黃天不負苦心人-----

*****The Burnaby  Board of Trade is hosting a free wine and cheese garden party, an opportunity for members to network, later this month(August).

           Dussa's Ham and Cheese will be providing an soortment of cheeses for the evening to accompany the samples of Argentinean wines, compliments of Winspear International Group, Ltd.

           The event takes place at L'Arche Greater Vancouver, here in Burnaby, and will include tours of the facility, a door prize, live entertainment and bocce ball.

           Pre-registration is required by calling 604-412-01ll. For more information, visit the board of trade website at www.bbot.ca