2013年10月15日 星期二

種夏南瓜的注意事項( Planting Zucchini Precautions)

10月份的Yahoo 部落格已經無法放上相片在新文章內了,但是純文字敘述似乎還可行,那我就先打一篇有關加拿大種夏南瓜最容易豐收的瓜類(我今年2013年的夏季夏南瓜一共收成了35個以上),但是一路種下來,會發生的種種疑問,以下採自"the Province News" 的專欄園藝專家 Helen Chesnut 的回答資訊>>>>>>

Q: Why do some of my newly formed zucchini start rotting at the flower end?
A: This common problem is usually weather related. It occurs most commonly early in the season, when adverse weather can inhibit the pollinating action of insects. Poor weather can cause the pollination process in the female flowers to be incomplete. The fruit will begin to develop but then turn yellow and rot. Pollination problems can also be caused by a lack of pollinating insect, primarily bees. Soil conditions can contribute to the problem. Keep the soil modestly but consistently, moist and never wet. Avoid an excess of nitrogen in the soil,. In most coastal soils, mixing a lime prior to planting is helpful, because it counters soil acidity and supplies calcium, which helps to avoid blossom end rot in squash as well as in tomatoes and peppers.

